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About this event

The Vault Music Hall presents Josey Scotts Saliva on Friday September 29th, 2023.$30 General Admission$40 Early General Admission** You can enter The Vault up to one hour before GA doors beginning at 7:00 PM with the option for hi-top table seating and dining.The Pub side will be open starting at 4:30pm if you wish to dine with us and have GA tickets.Tentative schedule:7:00 PM / 8:00 PM Doors (depends on ticket type)Set Times:O pening Act - TBAOpening Act - TBAJosey Scotts SalivaMUST BE 21 or OLDER with Valid ID for Entry.There is NO SMOKING OR VAPING allowed inside the Music Hall or in the Bathrooms. If you are caught doing either, you will be escorted off premises and forfeit your tickets.